April is Child Abuse Prevention Month. As part of our commitment to protecting children in our community, we’re participating in the Five Days of Action – a week-long campaign designed to raise awareness and inspire adults to take action to protect children from sexual abuse. We pledge to protect the children we serve, and we hope you will too! Head over to fivedaysofaction.org to sign the pledge & learn more. KNOW. SEE. RESPOND.
KNOWing the facts about child sexual abuse can help adults better understand what to look for and how to prevent it. As parents, caregivers, and trusted adults to the young people in our lives, we play an important role in protecting them from abuse. Learn more about the different types of abuse, the signs and how you can help at childhelphotline.org.
Media and technology are at the center of children’s lives every day. With more of life happening online, what catches their attention isn’t always what’s best for them. As a parent or caregiver, you may SEE a child interacting with media daily, and you can be equipped with the tools and resources to make sure any environment (including online) is free from any abuse. Learn more at commonsensemedia.org/articles/online-safety.
How can you RESPOND to the call to help prevent child sexual abuse? As a parent or caregiver, you may know it’s important to talk about it, but you may not know what or when to say it. Committee for Children has created the Hot Chocolate Talk campaign, packing decades of research into easy-to-use guides to help you begin these crucial conversations – at any age, from toddler to teen. Visit cfchildren.org/resources/child-abuse-prevention/ to learn more and empower your child to report and refuse sexual abuse.
This week we are learning the importance of Know. See. Respond. and gained practical tools for preventing child sexual abuse – but our work is never done. The Gateway Family YMCA is committed to year-round prevention, and we hope you are, too! Stay connected and informed by visiting fivedaysofaction.org.