It is with deep gratitude that we recognize our donors’ dedication and support of the Y’s mission, programs, and services. Together, we create opportunities, offer resources, and provide support to individuals and families throughout Odessa.
Thank You Our Event Donors
ABC Photography
Abell Hanger Foundation
Adam Garza
American Legion
Anderson Foundation
Conoco Phillips
The Eoff Family
Fasken Foundation
FMH Foundation
Frost Bank
Global Personnel
JC Ferguson Foundation
Junior League of Odessa
Ken W. Davis Foundation
King Foundation
Kingdom Church
Literacy Coalition
Nimbus Drinking Water Systems
NTACT Constructors
Oil Patch Kids
Permian Basin Area Foundation
Permian Basin Metallurgical
Permian High School Students In Philanthropy
Pevehouse Foundation
Sewell Ford
Signature Care
Superior HealthPlan
University of Texas Permian Basin Students In Philanthropy
Warren Charitable Foundation